“There is need for a term to express the physics of rocks. It should be related to petrology much as geophysics is related to geology. “Petrophysics” is suggested as the term pertaining to the physics of particular rock types…Petrophysics is a study of the physical properties of rock which are related to the pore and fluid distribution. “

“If it were possible to measure the fundamental properties (exact pore size and fluid distribution) in-situ of formations penetrated by the bore hole, the volume of the hydrocarbon in place and the productivity of the layer could be calculated.”

G.E. Archie, “Introduction to Petrophysics of Reservoir Rocks”, AAPG Bulletin, Vol 34, No 5, May 1950

“The study of the properties of the rocks and their relationship to the fluids they contain in both the static and flowing states is called petrophysics. Porosity, permeability, fluid saturations and distributions, electrical conductivity of both the rock and the fluids, pore structure, and radioactivity are some of the more important petrophysical properties of rocks.”

Craft, B.C., Hawkins, M.F., “Applied Petroleum Reservoir Engineering”, Prentice Hall Chemical Engineering Series, Prentice-Hall, Inc., © 1959

Landmark Papers

Top 10 Landmark Papers in Petrophysics and Formation Evaluation
Stephen Prensky (Chair)
Sub-committee: Richard Bateman, Bob Cluff, John Doveton, Darwin Ellis, Mauro Gonfalini, Terry Hagiwara, David Kennedy, Pat Lasswell, Brian Moss, Don Oliver, Philippe Theys, E.C.Thomas, Paul Worthington